Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of Organizing Committees

Nicolas Brisebarre was a member of the organization committee of JNCF 2017 (Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel) that took place at CIRM, in Luminy in January 2017. There were more than 70 participants.

Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Nicolas Louvet organized RAIM 2017 (Rencontres “Arithmétiques de l'Informatique Mathématique”) at ENS Lyon in October 2017.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Bruno Salvy is a member of the program Committee of AofA2018 (Analysis of Algorithms) and of FPSAC'2019 (Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics).

Benoît Libert was a program committee member for Eurocrypt 2017 and TCC (Theory of Cryptography Conference) 2017. He is in the program committees of SCN 2018 (Security and Cryptography for Networks) and ACNS 2018 (Applied Cryptography and Network Security).

Nathalie Revol was a member of the program committee for Arith 24, Correctness 2017, CRE 2017 (Computational Reproducibility at Exascale, Workshop of Supercomputing 2017).

Damien Stehlé is in the program committees of PQCrypto 2017 and 2018, Eurocrypt 2017 and 2018, Asiacrypt 2017 and SCN 2018.

Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup is in the program committee of CRYPTO 2018.

Jean-Michel Muller is a member of the board of the Steering Committee of the ARITH (IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic) series of conferences.

Fabien Laguillaumie is a program committee member for Africacrypt 2017, ACISP 2018 and C2SI-SEA 2018.


Member of Editorial Boards

Bruno Salvy is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Symbolic Computation, of the Journal of Algebra (section Computational Algebra) and of the collection Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation (Springer).

Jean-Michel Muller is a member of the Editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Computers.

Nathalie Revol was guest editor and Jean-Michel Muller was supervising associate editor of a special issue on Computer Arithmetic of IEEE Transactions on Computers [18].

Nathalie Revol is a member of the editorial board of the journal Reliable Computing.

Gilles Villard is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Symbolic Computation.

Invited Talks

Bruno Salvy was an invited speaker at AofA'2017 (Princeton), where he gave a talk on effective methods in the asymptotic analysis of sequences. He also gave an invited plenary talk at FoCM'2017 (Barcelona), on the use of linear differential equations as a data structure. He will be giving a tutorial at STACS'2018 on random generation of combinatorial structures.

Damien Stehlé gave an invited tutorial talk at the ISSAC 2017 conference (Kaiserslautern, Germany), on lattice reduction algorithms. He was an invited speaker at the Africacrypt 2017 conference (Dakar, Senegal), on the Learning With Errors problem and its applications in cryptography.

Jean-Michel Muller gave an invited talk at the 2017 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Pacific Grove, CA, USA), on the analysis and design of algorithms for complex arithmetic.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Paola Boito and Claude-Pierre Jeannerod were members of the scientific committee of JNCF (Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel).

Nathalie Revol is the chair of the IEEE 1788 group for the standardization of interval arithmetic: a simplified version of the standard, based only on the binary64 format of IEEE-754, has been approved in December 2017 and will be published as IEEE 1788.1.

Scientific Expertise

Paola Boito was a member of the recruitment committees for two associate professor positions in Limoges (mathematics and computer science).

Jean-Michel Muller was a member of the recruitment committee for an associate professor position in Université Grenoble Alpes (computer science).

Jean-Michel Muller is a member of the Scientific committee of CERFACS, Toulouse. Until October 2017 he was a member of the Steering Committee of “Défi 7” (information and communication society) of the french Agence Nationale de la Recherche. He is a member of the Scientific Council of CERFACS, Toulouse. In January 2017, he chaired the Evaluation Committee of LIF Laboratory, Marseille.

Nathalie Revol was a member of the visiting committee for the Computer Science Department and the Mathematics Department of Uppsala University, Sweden.

Fabien Laguillaumie was a member of the recruitement committee for an associate professor position in the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

Claude-Pierre Jeannerod was a member of the recruitment committee for postdocs and sabbaticals at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.

Research Administration

Jean-Michel Muller is co-head of the GDR (Groupement de Recherches) IM of CNRS (around 1400 permanent members, www.gdr-im.fr).